
Valedictorian Nomination Form

DEADLINE for nominations is Friday, April 4, 2025

Note: Please be sure to have the agreement of the nominee and ensure you have their email address before submitting this form.

We wish your candidate all the best and thank you for submitting a nomination for พรพรสำฦต 2025 Valedictorian!

Nominee’s Information

Nominated by

Nomination Criteria

  • Candidate meets a minimum year to date overall cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above & meets all requirements to graduate.
    • The cumulative GPA (if close) is never rounded up in points, it must be 3.5 or above as shown on the transcript to date.
    • Nominees may move forward to oral presentations if they are close to 3.5 cumulative GPA in cases where not all marks are posted final.  Once marks are posted final, the GPA is verified to ensure the chosen candidate meets requirements.
  • Strong public speaking ability.
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills and teamwork.
  • Involvement in student or community activities or volunteering.